Wedding at Bernstorff Castle

Wedding venues

A wedding at Bernstorff Castle has a special romantic touch.

North Zealand's most beautiful setting for your wedding

Wedding venues for all wishes

Book wedding venues and ceremony at the castle

Do you want Bernstorff Castle to be an exceptionally beautiful setting for your wedding party - and perhaps also the ceremony?

We are ready to advise you and turn your wedding dream into a dream wedding. We provide romantic wedding venues, exquisite menus and end-to-end coordination.

Get married in the beautiful surroundings of the castle

We love romantic weddings!

Is it your dream to hold your wedding in a castle? Then you can look forward to it becoming a reality. Bernstorff Castle offers you a wedding event that works all the way. It can include everything from a wedding ceremony and reception to a gala celebration with overnight accommodation and brunch the next day.

We provide romantic wedding venues - you get the Castle's main building or Kavalergården exclusively. Your choice of ballroom depends on the number of guests you invite. It will always be beautiful, with silver candelabras, perfect decorations and flowers from Bering House of Flowers. The food is a highlight in itself, with everything homemade from scratch.

On top of that, you get the most amazing locations for photos - both inside and out. That way, you'll capture your big day with images that will leave you with unforgettable memories.

If you want to hear more, you are welcome to contact us on tel. +45 39 63 10 80 or write an email to We will get back to you as soon as we can.

Get married in the beautiful surroundings of the castle

Romantic wedding venues - wedding ceremony at the castle

A castle wedding can never be anything other than a unique and unforgettable experience, both for the bride and groom and their guests. If you want to get married in the beautiful surroundings of the castle, the Garden Hall is perfect for the wedding ceremony.

If you're having a summer wedding, the ceremony can also take place outdoors, either on the terrace overlooking Bernstorffsparken or in Kavalergaarden. You won't find more beautiful surroundings in North Zealand. If you wish, we have the venue and the setting.

If you'd like an all-in-one event with wedding and reception, we have a tailor-made package.

Romantic party in a picturesque setting

Inspiration for the wedding party

Wedding menu

Exquisite menu for your wedding celebration

We love weddings! And we make the most beautiful wedding dinner for you. A wedding at a castle is very memorable. But what will be just as much an unforgettable part of the experience is the fine dining experience at Bernstorff Castle.

Every meal served at Bernstorff Castle is a very special experience that, above all, tastes heavenly. In our kitchen, food is made from scratch. Pickling, boiling, marinating, smoking and organic products are used. See our suggestions here.

Wake up in the castle with your guests

Wedding with overnight stay

If you want to make your wedding extra special, you can have an overnight wedding party. The couple's overnight stay is our gift to you, so you can really enjoy the party and the next day there's a sumptuous breakfast.

Your guests can also stay overnight at the castle and you can have breakfast together. If you have booked an overnight wedding, you and your guests can enjoy a quiet and cozy morning the day after the wedding with time to unwrap gifts.

We offer a special price for parties.


What our customers say